Education and Experience


Rolf Institute of Structural Integration (d.b.a. Dr. Ida Rolf Institute – DIRI), Boulder, Colorado.

    • Certified Advanced Rolfer: Ray McCall and Jonathan Martine, Boulder 2007.
    • Rolf Movement Practitioner: Hubert Godard and Monica Caspari, Brazil 2006.
    • Certified Rolfer: Karen Lackritz Phase 3, Jonathan Martine Phase 2, Boulder 2003.

Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama. Bachelor of Architecture, 1990.

Selected Additional Somatic Training

  • Pelvic Girdle and Legs: Structural Aging, Valerie Berg. February 2025.
  • Seeing Centering in Hara, Integration with Ma, Hiroyoshi Tahata. September 2024.
  • Dr Carla Stecco 5-day Fascial Anatomy Dissection Lab. August 2022.
  • DIRI Rolf Movement online Tonic Function Study Group. Autumn 2021.
  • Barral Institute Visceral Manipulation Level 3. August 2018.
  • Barral Institute Visceral Manipulation Level 4. March 2018.
  • Resources in Movement “Indicators of Integration”. November 2015.
  • Advanced Trainings “Explain Pain”. April 2015.
  • Upledger Institute CranioSacral Therapy Level 2. March 2014.
  • Resolving Acute and Chronic Back Pain, John deMahy. October 2012.
  • Barral Institute Visceral Manipulation Level 2. September 2011.
  • Upledger Institute CranioSacral Therapy Level 1. August 2011.
  • Neural Mobilization Level 3, Jonathan Martine. April 2011. Served as workshop coordinator.
  • Neural Mobilization Level 2, Jonathan Martine. April 2010. Served as workshop coordinator.
  • Barral Institute Visceral Manipulation Level 1. April 2009.
  • Neural Mobilization Level 1, Jonathan Martine. April 2008. Served as workshop coordinator.
  • Spine and Pelvic Girdle, Tessy Brungardt. April 2007. Served as workshop coordinator.
  • Spine and Shoulder Girdle, Tessy Brungardt. February 2007. Served as workshop coordinator.
  • Dissecting the Seventh Hour, Jan Sultan. November 2006. Served as workshop coordinator.
  • Strategies for Integration, Jonathan Martine. April 2005.
  • Rossiter System Techniques Unit 1, Richard Rossiter. October 2004.
  • Structure and Function, Ray McCall and Carol Agneessens, August 2003.

Professional Experience

Rolfing Practitioner, Private Practice. Practice client-based Rolfing Structural Integration and Rolf Movement bodywork based on the principles of Dr. Ida Rolf as taught by DIRI. Incorporate multiple modalities and techniques within the framework of Rolfing Structural Integration and Rolf Movement to help clients increase embodiment and awareness through decreased pain, greater range and ease of motion, and improved posture. Athens, Georgia 2003 through 2014; Loveland, Colorado 2015 through present.

Rolfing Instructor, DIRI. Act in an instructor role in Phase 1, 2, 3 classes and continuing education workshops under supervision of DIRI. Duties include facilitating classroom management and organization; assessing student ability and progress; performing demonstration 10-series and post-10 3-series; guiding student assessment and tableside direction; giving Rolfing lectures, leading anatomy and kinesiology (AK) and Skillful Touch (ST) instruction, leading selected palpation instruction; supervising assistant instructors.

  • 2024: Lead Phase 1 AK Mar-Apr, Lead Phase 1 AK Aug-Sep.
  • 2023: Lead Phase 1 AK Mar-Apr; Lead Phase 1 AK Aug-Sep.
  • 2022: Lead Phase 1 AK&ST Mar-Apr.
  • 2021: Lead Phase 1 ST Jun-Jul; Lead Phase 1 ST Feb-Mar.
  • 2020: Facilitate weekly faculty instructional video webinars May-Aug; Lead Phase 1 ST Jan-Feb.
  • 2019: Lead Phase 2 Oct-Dec; Lead Phase 1 ST Aug-Sep; Lead Phase 1 ST May-Jun; Co-teach Phase 1 ST with Meg Maurer, Jan-Mar.
  • 2018: Lead Phase 3 Sep-Nov.
  • 2017: Lead Phase 3 Sep-Nov; Lead Phase 3 Jul-Sep; Co-teach Phase 1 AK Jan-Feb.
  • 2016: Supervised Solo Lead, Phase 3 Aug-Sep.
  • Selected Continuing Education Workshops:
    • Thematic Neck Work in the Series; multiple workshop starting in 2022
    • Deepening the 10-series with Lisa Fairman; 3 workshops: Aug 2019, Mar 2020, Aug 2021

Faculty Chair and Executive Education Committee Chair, DIRI. Lead faculty discussions on curriculum and other educational concerns, chair monthly education committee meetings, chair annual faculty meetings, liaise with DIRI Board Chair and Executive Director. September 2019 through present.

Assistant Rolfing Instructor, DIRI. Acted in an assistant instructor role under supervision and direction of lead instructor listed below and DIRI. Duties included those of instructor but in the assistant role.

  • 2016: Michael Polon, Accelerated Phase 1 Jun-Jul; Tessy Brungardt, Phase 2 Jan-Mar.
  • 2015: Meg Maurer, Phase 1 Sep-Oct; Ray McCall, Phase 3 Jun-Aug; Adam Mentzell, Phase 1 May-Jun.
  • 2014: Libby Eason, Phase 3 Jun-Aug.
  • 2013: Juan David Velez, Phase 2 Apr-May.
  • 2009: Jonathan Martine, Phase 3 Oct-Dec.

Project Manager and Consultant, University of Georgia Office of Real Estate and Space Management (RESM), Athens, Georgia. Managed design and construction services for University renovations in a part-time position with RESM. Consulted with user groups to formulate programs and budgets, produced space allocation plans for University administrators in consultation with the RESM director, coordinated designs with architects, supervised construction projects, and managed logistics for internal relocations. July 2005-June 2012.

Staff Architect, University of Georgia University Architects Office (OUA), Athens Georgia. Managed design and construction services for University buildings and landscapes. Consulted with user groups to formulate programs and budgets, coordinated designs with architects, supervised construction projects, interfaced with campus physical plant personnel, and collaborated with other OUA staff on office projects. August 1998-August 2001.

Construction Manager, Portland Habitat for Humanity, Portland, Oregon. Managed construction services for a non-profit low-income housing provider. Consulted with Board of Directors, Executive Director, staff and clients, performed design services, established budgets, and supervised construction staff. August 1995-August 1998.

Staff Architect, Commercial and Industrial Design Architects, Inc., Portland, Oregon. Managed building design process from client conception and schematic design to construction completion and building occupancy for large and small commercial and industrial clients. May 1991-August 1995.

Intern Architect. Completed architectural duties as a work-study architectural student.

  • Paul Franks Architecture, Portland, Oregon. January-March 1989.
  • Smallwood, Reynolds, Stewart, Stewart & Associates, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia. January-March & July-September 1988.
  • Cornerstone Architects, Inc., Nashville, Tennessee. January-March & July-September 1987.